Bridge Block
Bridge Blocks are your toolkit for crafting efficient and customized data transformations. By assembling and configuring these blocks, you can tailor your data processing to meet the specific needs of your project, streamlining your data management.
Bridge Blocks are the building blocks of Bridges, and they are the key to fetching, transforming, and manipulating data. These versatile components can be assembled in various combinations to create Bridges that perform powerful data manipulations. Bridge Blocks can have both properties are inputs, properties are parameters which are used to configure the block, inputs allow using another bridge block as an input to a bridge block. Bridge Blocks come in several types, each tailored to specific data handling tasks.
* Denotes a required input or property
Types of Blocks
This block searches for any matching strings within the input and replaces it with the provided string. It has a single input representing the string on which the replace operation will be performed.
- Input* The string for which to look for matches in.
- Match* The string to match on.
- To* The string to replace any matches with.
- Path If the input is an object, allows you to specify a path to the property of the object which should be used as the input.
For advanced users, the Regex Block allows the use of powerful regular expressions to match and replace text within the input. Like the Replace Block, it also has a single input representing the string on which the regular expression operation will be applied.
- Input* The string for which to look for matches in.
- Match* The string to match on.
- To* The string to replace any matches with.
- Path If the input is an object, allows you to specify a path to the property of the object which should be used as the input.
The Path Block fetches a specific field or element from the input data, allowing you to extract the information you need.
- Input* The object to select the a property from.
- Path* The path to the property of the object you wish to output.
- Optional Whether the field is optional, if this is true, an error will not be raised when the bridge runs a the specified path cannot be found. Defaults to false.
- Empty String as None Whether to treat empty strings as though the property doesn't exist at the specified path. Defaults to false.
- Delimiter Use a delimiter if you have a string input but wish to output an array.
A Value Block provides a fixed input value that can be utilised as an input to other blocks, adding flexibility to your data transformations.
- Value* The value to use as the output.
The Output Block serves as the ending point for a field, with a single input representing the final output of a transformation.
- Input* The data to output.
For combining data from multiple sources, the Join Block concatenates multiple blocks together. It accepts multiple inputs, enabling you to string together various data manipulation operations in the desired order.
- Inputs* One or more blocks to combine into a single string.
- Delimiter The string to use as a delimiter. Defaults to a comma.
- Path If the input is an object, allows you to specify a path to the property of the object which should be used as the input.
The Case Block is used for modifying the casing on an input string. It supports various casing transformations, including camel, kebab, lower, snake, title, and upper, allowing you to format text as needed.
- Input* The input to change the casing of.
- Case The casing to use.
- Path If the input is an object, allows you to specify a path to the property of the object which should be used as the input.
Special Character
The Special Characters Block removes any characters that are not alphanumeric characters, dashes or spaces from the input string.
- Input* The input to remove special characters from.
- Path If the input is an object, allows you to specify a path to the property of the object which should be used as the input.
The Hash Block generates an MD5 hash of the input data. This feature is particularly handy for creating unique IDs from names and other data.
- Input* The input to hash.
- Path If the input is an object, allows you to specify a path to the property of the object which should be used as the input.
Retrieves XML or JSON data used to be used as input. If no inputs or properties are set the default is to use the body of the request. Setting the inputs and properties however allows for retrieval of data from remote sources.
- Url The URL where the data can be fetched from.
- Header Values An array of values for the headers. These will be used to set the headers in conjunction with the respective header keys property.
- Body The body of the request to fetch the data.
- HTTP Request Method The HTTP request method to use to fetch the data. Defaults to GET.
- Header Keys An array of keys for the headers. These will be used to set the headers in conjunction with the respective header values property.
Outputs a field from an input object.
- Input* The input object to fetch the field from.
- Path* The path to the field of the object you wish to output.
- Optional Whether the field is optional, if this is true, an error will not be raised when the bridge runs a the specified path cannot be found. Defaults to false.
Filters an array to only include items that are in the matches list.
- Input* The input to filter.
- Matches* One or more blocks to positively match on the input.
- Path If the input is an object, allows you to specify a path to the property of the object which should be used as the input.
Outputs the first item in a list.
- Input* The input to retrieve the first item of.
- Path If the input is an object, allows you to specify a path to the property of the object which should be used as the input.
Sorts an array in ascending order.
- Input* The input to sort.
- Path If the input is an object, allows you to specify a path to the property of the object which should be used as the input.
Encodes or decodes Base64.
- Input* The input to encode or decode.
- Mode* Whether to encode or decode.
- Path If the input is an object, allows you to specify a path to the property of the object which should be used as the input.
Provides various functions for retrieving or manipulating date and time.
- Input* The input to manipulate date/time on.
- Value Used when the mode is set to plus as the value to add to the input date/time.
- Mode* Used to specify the type of date/time operation to perform. Either epoch, plus or current.
- Path If the input is an object, allows you to specify a path to the property of the object which should be used as the input.
Provides function for adding properties to objects.
- Input* The input object to manipulate.
- Value* The value of the property to add.
- Path* The path which to append the new property.
Updated 8 months ago