Reporting provides you with an insight into content purchasing, engagement and user data. The reports can be filtered and exported.
In the dashboard there are three different types of Reports available to view, filter and export:
- Purchases
- Entitlements
- Users
To view these navigate to:
Editor > Reporting

For each report you can enter the time frame that you would like the report to pull the data for.

Click Generate on the right hand side to generate a report using your choice of date range.

This report provides a list of purchases that have taken place on your service in the required period. It shows:
- Product information
- Name
- Product ID
- Purchase information
- Purchase ID
- Date
- Viewing Period
- Access Window (days) - (the length of time the user has before they need to start playing their purchased video entitlement)
- Viewing Window (days) - (the length of time the customer has to finish watching their video entitlement once they have started playing
- Started (time/date)
- Priceband
- Name
- Type
- Pricing
- Price
- Currency
- Value
- Base
- Base Currency
- Base Amount
- Fee
- Fee Currency
- Fee Amount
- Card number (last 4 digits only)
- Market
- Name
- ID
- Categories
- User and Device
- User ID
- Device
- Device ID
- Platform
This report provides a list of entitlements that have taken place on your service in the required period. It shows:
- Product information
- Name
- Product ID
- Purchase and Entitlement
- Purchase ID
- Entitlement ID
- Entitlement Type (SVoD, TVoD, Free, AVoD etc)
- Date
- Entitlement Period
- Started (date)
- Ended (date)
- Started (time/date)
- Categories
- User and Device
- User ID
- Device
- Device ID
- Platform
This report provides a list of users (or devices) that have taken registered (or activated) on your service in the required period. It shows:
- User Details
- ID
- Email verified (time/date)
- First Name (if requested)
- Last Name (if requested)
- Gender (if requested)
- Year of Birth (if requested)
- Postcode (if requested)
- Marketing opt in status (true/false)
- Registration
- Registered on (date/time)
- Registration User Agent
- Registration Device (web/app type etc)
- Status
- Created (date/time)
- Updated (date/time)
- Suspended, if applicable (date/time)
- Deleted, if applicable (date/time)
For each report type, you can perform the following functions:
Click the Export button to export the report as a CSV file.

Reset Table
Edit Columns
Add and remove columns from your report to focus on a particular subset of data.
- Click Edit Columns
- In the subsequent popup list:
- Check the columns you wish to include in the report.
- Uncheck the columns you wish to exclude from the report

Updated about 1 year ago