Challenges, aspirations?
- I have a group of users that I’d like to give a preview or early access to new content. This means that they can test everything is working before its available to the public – preventing running the risk of something being wrong!
- I run a sports service and would like to give the visiting (away) team’s board free access to the service – but only for a few days – after that I’d like to revoke access to future matches and content
- I run a sports service and would like to give our club members special access to extra content and also the option to watch matches for free – whereas I’d like non-members to pay full price for the matches
- I find that different countries want to see different content – not everyone needs to be bombarded with Christmas movies!
- There is a large national event that I’d like to focus content on in one country, but nowhere else
- I have content that isn’t allowed in some countries – how do I easily hide it?
- I have suddenly had more users leaving the service – how can I make exclusive offers to those people to try and encourage them to stay?
- People on mobile devices seem to watch box sets more than movies – can I show them more of this content?
- Some of the countries my service operates in have less disposable income so I’d like to offer them some cheaper subscription options
- I want to offer new subscribers some free content
- I have a sponsorship deal for just one device and want a page to appear on that device only
- I want to give new customers that respond to a specific social media campaign a different experience
- I want to present a different brand to users referred by a sponsor or partner
- I want to provide a white-labelled service to key B2B customers
- I want my customers who have watched one episode of a series to have a reduced price for the rest of the series
- I have a very niche market I want to address and I need to be able to define/name the menus, playlist, collections and other means of discovering content
- I want to show different call-to-action banners and video ads to non-subscribed users. Then once they have subscribed, I want to show them different content and pricing options
Our solutions:
Our ‘Markets’ functionality is the ideal way to help your audience get the content that is best suited to them. You can set up Markets (segments) in the dashboard based on certain criteria and then mould the content and user experience based on what you know about those users. Criteria for creating the segments is based on service data and includes geographical location, device being used, specific users, minutes of content watched (with more data points to come!)
You can set up segments simply by dragging the specified data into the criteria that define a market segment and then adapting the parameters that you are interested in, e.g. dragging in regional location(s) and device types to be able to create a segment that might apply exclusively to all Samsung TVs in the UK for example. Once your segments are set up you can choose what app experience they are going to see (themes, menus and layout can all be changed) plus what content and collections (using categories and contributors) are shown to them.
Each segment can have different pricing which means you can keep the PPV or Subscription pricing lower in more price-sensitive regions. Alternatively, you could switch to advertising and have video ads playing before content for these users instead – so they experience a totally free service.
You can set up segments in such a way which allows exceptional groups, e.g. members or VIP customers access to free content when the rest of your service is paid for. For example with a sports team’s season ticket holders having access to watch any of the matches for free – when everyone else is required to pay. You can also use this to give staff or testers access to content in advance of release to do testing and extra checks before the public have visibility of the content themselves. You can remove the segments’ access just as easily as granting it – so if you’d like to give your opposing team’s fans access to content for just a few days either side of the match you can do that!
You could, for example, break up your audience into segments of different engagement levels, or maybe how long they’ve been registered with you. Giving you the option to offer free or cheaper content to your newest customers to get further buy in to the content you have to offer. Or another option could be to segment those that have not watched any (or minimal) content yet, enticing them with a different selection of content, or some lower pricing.
You can show your unsubscribed customers a range of different video adverts or banners to entice them to sign up monthly instead of just paying-as-they-go. Then once these users have subscribed they won’t see those ads again and you can start showing them around your service to help them discover the content that they want to see.
If you’ve been running social media campaigns and want the app to appear differently depending on how the users have arrived at the app or website – then this can be done too. For example people have just entered a prize draw for tickets to the latest Star Wars Premier – then why not invite them to visit the app or website and show them all their favourite Star Wars movies? What could be more likely to pique their interest than that?!
You can segment users by the device they register on or engage with and give them a special page that can tie into a device specific sponsorship with the manufacturer. Or you can even rebrand the whole app with an experience just for them – chose the logos, menu items, colours and content that these users will see.
In fact, you can have, what appears to be, a whole suite of apps that are white-labelled for different audiences. You can show each hotel guest a different app theme and structure to match the theme of the hotel room or resort; be it Disney, Marvel, 007 or Legoland!
If your reports are identifying that some of your previously-loyal-audience are watching less and less content this means they could be a churn risk - why not create a market segment of these users and show them some of your fresh content, or how about offering them some cheaper content until you can win them back?
Your users will feel loved and understood – with different content and UX to match their needs – all whilst using the exact same app as their neighbour. And it’s not cumbersome or time consuming for you to manage either.
And because all this wonderful Markets functionality is built on an open data-driven approach, if there is a way of segmenting the market with your data that we haven’t thought of, we are always open to suggestions – ours in a truly flexible platform designed to quickly adapt. Your ideas realised through our innovation.
Updated over 1 year ago