Bug validation checklist
When reporting an issue, however small, its important to provide as much information as possible. Even if you feel like its not relevant. It will enable the team to get to the root of the issue much quicker - means faster resolution.
- In-depth description of the issue
- Step-by-steps instructions on how to recreate the issue
- When was the issue first noticed - time and date
- How many users seem to be affected?
- Ensure they’re using the latest software (which?)
- Can the client recreate themselves, or is this only users/hotels that are complaining?
- Devices
- All or one in particular?
- Which models?
- Confirm which have been checked and which haven’t
- Are other apps on this device working?
- Browser
- All or one in particular?
- Confirm which have been checked and which haven’t
- If you find any errors in the Dashboard please open the Javascript console and take a screengrab of the errors. This is helpful as it provides extra information for the developers to help them track down the issue.
- Chrome > View Menu > Developer Tools > Javascript Console.
- Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Develop > Show Error Console.
Close the tab. Next, open the console by selecting Develop > Show JavaScript Console.
Select the Console tab.
Hospitality only:
- All hotels, one hotel (confirm PIN), just one room?
- Does the same issue occur if the TV is on a mobile/3G network and not the hotel’s?
- Check if the device has the correct date and time
- Product IDs (from Easel TV dashboard) of products that are impacted
- Error messages - please provide screenshots
Updated 5 months ago