Challenges and Aspirations:
- I keep accidentally overlapping content windows in my current system
- I find it hard to get my head around upcoming content windows as it’s in a “dry” list of text and I have to see things visually for them to make sense to me
- I wish I could set the app design structure, i.e. the UX, to change regularly, just like I can with content
- My audience really like it when the app feels fresh and relevant – I’d like to change the look and feel far more than I currently do
- I have multiple PPV windows for each product with a ladder of prices and a promotional “Coming Soon” window – can I see all that together?
- I use different business models in different geographical regions and need a way to easily understand who’s getting what, when and at which prices.
Our solutions:
We designed and built the most beautiful and functional availability window “configurator”. It gives you a clear view of all the current and upcoming windows for each product or collection or theme etc so that you can get a quick and digestible snapshot of the status of all release windows. You can view exactly what is happening for a piece of content, in terms of pricing and availability, as far into the future as you desire.
You can view and control complex pricing models across multiple regions and time-zones in one place. Share a snapshot with your team and use it to plan and structure your future editorial catchups.
To make changes easily, simply drag or stretch them or add new rows to the view. It won’t ever let you have overlapping windows – so you no longer need to worry about breaking anything!
Set up your windows days, weeks, months or even years in advance and then sit back and watch your app or content change without you having to be at your desk to keep an eye on it.
If you wanted to also change other aspects of the service as frequently as the content you can use the same window configurator tool to plan ahead and set-up - such as what collections to display or which themes to use.
Updated over 1 year ago